Fellowship and Service Opportunities

Ice Cream Social

It was wonderful to share some delicious ice cream and great conversation!

The games were the Cherry on the Top!


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Camp Firelight 

The Learning Ministry Team would like to thank everyone involved in making Vacation Bible School a week full of fun, faith and learning. The volunteers work tirelessly to make VBS come alive for the children. It takes many hours and days to set the environment for VBS. It also takes the dedication of the leaders to make VBS a success. 

    The “campers” explored Camp Firelight while learning Psalm 56:3 Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you. They learned to Trust God to: Go with Us, Lead the Way, Share Wisdom, Give Us Peace, and Spark Joy! They enjoyed making their crafts, singing songs, playing games, and eating their snacks, all while making Christ centered memories that will stay with them for years to come. Vacation Bible School is a time to form new friendships as well as connect with old friends. It is such a joy to see the older youth return to help the leaders share the experience of VBS with the younger children. VBS is a time to grow in faith while having fun. May the lessons learned sustain us all until next year. 

VBS Group

VBS Church Group

VBS Lesson

VBS Decoration

Prayer Shawl Ministry

All are welcome and join the ladies are willing to teach how to knit or crochet.  They make baby blankets, lap blankets and prayer shawls.

The ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m.

Food Pantry

On going collection for the Valley Food Pantry are welcome.  Items requested are tomato products (sauce, paste, diced, stewed, crushed), pasta,  juice, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, soups, canned vegetables, canned fruit, crackers, and wrapped snacks.  Paper products, such as paper towels, napkins, paper plates and toliet tissue are always appreciated. 

Please make sure all the products are within the expiration date.

Your generosity is appreciated!  

Evangelical Lutheran Church In America