Important information Events & Activities

Vacation Bible School

July 29 - August 2, 2024

9:00 Am - 12:00 pm

*Registration appreciated by July 21, 2024

  Once again, it is time for Vacation Bible School! What an exciting week it will be. A week filled with fun, faith, learning, singing, dancing, games, crafts, snacks, laughter and friends. 

This year’s theme for Vacation Bible School will be Camp Firelight: A Summer Camp Adventure With God. Please join us as we are called to do God’s work and share the Good News of God’s love. 

Children will meet together in Luther Hall for an opening of song, dance, Bible stories, Bible lessons, and a Bible Memory verse that they will focus on for the week. They will then split into groups for crafts, games and snacks. The youth will once again join together for the closing songs and a recap of the lesson of the day. Our children will also learn about the mission project they will sponsor for the week.

Children from the age of three up to the fifth grade are invited to attend VBS. Older youth are encouraged to join in the excitement as junior volunteers. It is their way to connect and share with others the same experience of VBS that they had growing up.

The Learning Ministry Team requests registration by Sunday, July 21, 2024. This will give us an idea of the supplies needed for each child, as well as the number of volunteers needed to have a safe, fun week at Vacation Bible School.

Registration can be done by calling the Church office at (570) 788-2685, filling out the registration form in the newsletter or forms can be found on the table in the St Stephen’s Room. 




 225 Anniversary Invitation


***Donations not accepted have been updated along with items we will accept; please review these changes.

Changes are in italics.***

 The S.E.R.V.E. Team along with the LCW are planning an Indoor Yard Sale.

The event will be held on Saturday, August 24th from 8 am – 1 pm.

From Noon to 1 pm, customers can fill a bag for $1.00. All items will be priced to sell.

All proceeds will go towards the Anniversary celebration.

  The following items will NOT be accepted: Cloths, shoes, electronics, TV’s, large furniture, large appliances, window shades, luggage, and no exercise equipment. The following items are okay: small electronics and purses.   All items given to the sale must be clean.

·        There will be sign-up sheets for help on the days listed below (drop-off days), days and times you can help organize and price items, and time you can help on the day of the sale.

·        Setting up tables on Aug 11th or Aug 12th.

·        Set-up of donated items will be from August 19th - Aug 23rd from 8 am – 4 pm.

·        There will be opportunities to help. Sign-up sheets will be in the St. Stephen’s room; there will be 3-hour increments for help on any day that you would be available. Help is needed on the day of sale and clean-up and packing of items not sold after the sale is concluded.

·        We will be selling hot dogs and drinks as well on the day of the sale.

·        Any time you can give, will be welcomed.

 *See schedule for days and times that items can be dropped off.  Do not drop off items at any other time except for the days and times listed below.

 Items are to be dropped off in Luther Hall at the door on the Cemetery side.

Drop Off Days:  Sunday, Aug 11th and Aug 18th from 11 am – 12 noon.

                             Wednesday, Aug 14th and Aug 21st from 4 pm – 6 pm

                               Friday, Aug 16th and Aug 23rd from 4 pm – 6 pm



Thank you to everyone who contributed books and videos to our first church library.

This library system will run differently; it is the honor system.

You do not have to “check out” your book(s} or video{s}.

Please feel free to take a book(s) or video(s) home to enjoy.

All we ask is to return the book(s) or video(s) as soon as you are finished.

There are four different areas where you can find books or videos.

1.       Outside of the nursery is a bookshelf with children’s books and videos.

2.       Outside of the church office are fiction books, nonfiction books, recipe books, and videos.

3.       In the left corner of the St. Stephen’s room are Bibles and different bible reference books and studies.

4.       Also in the St. Stephen’s room is a display of books and brochures from Dr. David Jeremiah.


Books and videos are still being accepted, just place on the bookshelf outside of the church office.

Also, there are members who enjoy jigsaw puzzles. We will accept puzzles as well for others to enjoy.



 AUGUST 4, 2024 @ 11 AM – 12:30 (at the latest)

For the last two years, the S.E.R.V.E. Team has conducted semi-annual meetings regarding stewardship, discussions on how our last year has been since the last meeting, what we would like to achieve in the coming year, how we stand financially, and possibly have a healthy discussion on the 6261 synod plan if we decide to learn more about what it means to us as a congregation.

The meeting will be held immediately after the church service in Luther Hall, lunch will be provided.

Please mark your calendars; this will be the only notice for the newsletter since July and August newsletter are published together.

There will be a sign-up sheet if you plan on attending so we can provide

 enough refreshments for everyone.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Melody Hinderer /Church Council President &  Co-Chairperson of the S.E.R.V.E. Team


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry has started meeting at 9:30 am at the chrch.  We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month.  If you knit or crochet and you want to join us, please do.  We have a good time making things, to comfort others.                          

Coffee Hour

 The first Sunday of the month, coffee hour will be observe. The September 1st coffee hour is in need of a sponsor. There is a sign up sheet in the St. Stephen's Room for members/church teams to sponsor. 


We are looking for you to come join one or
several of our Church Ministry Teams! Be a part
of the many opportunities these teams provide.
We want and need you to join us in serving
God's calling with your time and talents to help
our church continue to grow in making this
place to share and express his love. Please
contact the church office if you are interested.
Worship & Music, Learning Ministry,
Stewardship, Finance Team, Property Team,
Altar Guild, Assistant Ministers, Lay Eucharistic,
Quilting, and Prayer Shawl.


We have heard time and time again about how beautiful and well-kept our cemetery is.  We often take for granted the hard work and endless hours that go into keeping our cemetery beautiful year after year.  To help
with the upkeep, please consider giving a monetary donation "In Honor Of" or "In Memory Of" a loved one.  Checks can be made payable to “St. John’s Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery Association” or included with your weekly offering (please include a notation with your offering).

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts

SCOUTS BSA and Cub Scouts have resumed in-person meetings. If anyone is interested, meetings are Monday nights. For more information, contact the church office and leave a message for Jen. Scouting is open to boys and girls ages Kindergarten through High School.


All Members, to update our files, please contact the church office at 570-788-2865 or email to with your contact information, including name(s), address, phone number, email address, birthday and anniversary. 



Memorials & Obituaries

Our congregation extends our deepest condolences to the families of:

Priscilla A. Mundie (February 16, 2024)

Walter L. Bloss Sr. (December 17, 2023)

Barbara A. Wenner (October 24, 2023)

Linford W. Kuehn (October 19, 2023)

Nadine Sauer (October 1, 2023)

David Klinger (September 3, 2023)

Ernest Kuehn (July 10, 2023)

Dwight Bicking (June 23, 2023)

Constance Mae Synder (May 15, 2023)


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Morbi risus sem, egestas nec nisl sit amet, porttitor lobortis tellus. Sed fringilla imperdiet dictum. Fusce finibus turpis nec vestibulum laoreet. Cras ullamcorper eget purus et tristique. Nullam quam erat, porttitor interdum congue in, pulvinar non urna. Fusce nec mi dignissim, suscipit lacus hendrerit, pellentesque lectus. Suspendisse potenti.

Evangelical Lutheran Church In America